103rd Birthday Celebrations at Brook House Care Home

Brook House Care Home resident sharing memories of her Coronation experiences over the past century May 2023

Grace Cockshott, a resident at Brook House Care Home in Towcester is celebrating her 103rd birthday with friends and indulging in a new tradition.

Born on June 2, 1920, in London, Grace dedicated her earlier years to being a devoted housewife and loving mother to her two children. Today, she proudly boasts a loving family that includes four grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. Family has always held a special place in Grace’s heart and continues to be a vital part of her life.

Throughout her extraordinary journey, Grace has nurtured a wide range of passions, including knitting, needlework, cooking, card-making, and gardening. She skillfully crafted her own clothes, a testament to her creativity. Grace also cherishes fond memories of cruise holidays that have brought her immense joy throughout the years.

When asked about her secret to living a long and fulfilling life, Grace said, “being content and satisfied.”

Grace expressed her wish to forgo any grand celebrations and instead enjoy “a day of loveliness with her friends.”

Grace wanted to create a new tradition for her friends. Along with Home Manager Rhiannon Crofts, she walked to Towcester Waitrose to buy fresh strawberries and cream for all the other residents that live on the same floor as her and for the team at Brook House that she described as “wonderful”.

Rhiannon said, “we talked about her life as we walked, slowly but steadily enjoying the fresh air and smells as we went. It was an absolute privilege to be able to spend this time with Grace. When in Waitrose and we were paying, Grace shared with the assistant that it was her 103rd birthday so before we left they presented Grace with some beautiful flowers to wish her a happy birthday!”

Despite not wanting a fuss, one of the Carers at Brook House surprised Grace by making her two birthday cakes which made her feel very special.

Brook House provides residential and dementia care on a permanent and short stay basis. If you are looking for a care home and want to find out more about our home call us on freephone 0808 169 8662.