At Beechwood Park Care Home in Alloa, residents and staff enjoy a wide range of entertainment as part of the variety of events and activities held within the care home.
One regular visitor to the home is Charlie, who is the grandson of two of our residents David and Carol. They are very proud grandparents especially when they are watching him play.
Charlie played chanter for 7 years before starting to learn the bagpipes 2.5 years ago. He enjoys playing the bagpipes and loves the sound they make. He has recently joined the Royal Burgh of Stirling Pipe Band. Charlie is studying at Lornshill Academy and is studying towards his nat 5s.
Anthony Ryan, Home Manager at Beechwood Park said, “Charlie has played for us at Beechwood at some of our recent events including Burns Night and Remembrance Day. He has been invited to the home this April to help celebrate the launch following a fantastic refurbishment at Beechwood. We always look forward to Charlie visiting Beechwood. The residents and staff all enjoy his performances.”
Beechwood Park Care home in Alloa provides nursing and dementia care on a permanent or short stay basis. If you are looking for a care home and want to find out more about our home call freephone 0808 223 5410.