At Belmont Castle we understand the importance of supporting residents to maintain links with their local communities. That’s why we play an active part in our community. We hold events throughout the year, and work closely with groups, schools and charities to ensure residents continue to enjoy a rewarding social life, and the chance to make new friends and try new things.
Dementia Café
Date: Last Friday of every month
Time: 3pm – 4.30pm
Join us for our monthly Dementia Café, where you can ask questions, share experiences and connect in a safe and supportive setting, complete with cakes and beverages
Coffee Morning
Date: Third Tuesday of every month
Time: 10.30am – 12pm
Come and join us for our monthly coffee morning to enjoy refreshments, cake and a chat with our residents.
To find out more about our events or if you have any questions please contact us on 023 8001 8322
We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events.