At Dormy House we like to support carers in the community and provide a place to share our experiences. We can support each other, as collectively we all offer a broad range of services. Our gatherings create a warm, friendly environment in which to share and spread awareness; with the goal of continuing to provide quality services to senior members and families within our communities.
Pam Sharman, Community Relations Manager, explains “Age UK approached us as they were looking for a venue for their ‘Supporting Carers’ community events. I was keen to take part and with the full support of our Home Manager, Carmela Magbitang, we offered our home as a venue to share our experiences and offerings we provide within the community. Our head Chef Chris and his team provided food and light refreshments.”
Sadaf Shahid, attending, was keen to share his feedback from the first event, “It was lovely meeting everyone at the event. You gave us an amazing tour of the facility. We would be more than interested in spreading awareness through talks around various aspects of caring especially the caring needs for people affected by dementia and the impact on the social well-being of their family members.”
Steve Sanso, Dementia Friendly Coordinator at Age UK, facilitates dementia-friendly borough events, such as this one in Sunningdale. He says, “In May we’ll be holding an informal get-together to celebrate our 6-month journey so far to support the dementia community of the Royal Borough, we will reflect on the outcomes of all our collective work to date, take any questions and answers and see where the future of our journey will progress”.
If you would like to join us for the next event at Dormy House see our events page.
Dormy House provides residential, nursing and dementia care on a permanent or short stay basis. If you are looking for a care home and want to find out more about our home call freephone 0808 223 5424.