Knowle Park residents mark Remembrance Day

Knowle Park residents mark Remembrance Day

Last week, the residents at Knowle Park Nursing Home in Cranleigh paid their respects by remembering the fallen on Remembrance Day.

Earlier in the week, the residents had fun painting poppies and putting flags up to prepare for Remembrance Sunday. They also had a Poppy Appeal stand where the team and guests could donate money to the Royal British Legion in exchange for a poppy.

On Friday 8th, they took a trip down memory lane with singer Natasha where they enjoyed singing along to 1940s wartime songs.

On Monday 11th, veteran Tom Milne from the Royal Engineers Association visited the residents. A friend of one of the residents, Tom demonstrated how the flagpole was held during war ceremonies and played the Last Post bugle call, which is a short musical call that signified the end of the day’s activities and is now played at military and state funerals, as well as on Remembrance Day.

Activities Lead Mitra said, “The magic of love and appreciation was within the resident’s heart. What they feel and express was observed.”

Knowle Park provides residential and nursing care on a permanent or short stay basis. If you are looking for a care home and want to find out more about our home call freephone 01483617730.

Knowle Park residents mark Remembrance Day Knowle Park residents mark Remembrance Day