To celebrate Alzheimer’s month, Riverside Place Care Home in Ware has given its dementia unit a wonderful revamp.
Having been inspired by photos that were shared with them by Dementia and Lifestyles Manager Michele Saunders, they collected visually stimulating items that evoke memories of nostalgia and defined different areas along the floor. Focusing on music, cookery, sport, film, and beauty, residents can enjoy reminiscing about their younger years.
Wellbeing Coordinator Lyn Wilkie commented, “we have transformed our very bland kitchenette into a cottage-themed tearoom, which is proving very popular with residents and relatives alike. It has been lovely seeing the interaction and how visually stimulating the floor now is. It has been a real joy seeing the smiles on our resident’s faces.”
Upon seeing the transformation for the first time, resident Pam commented, “oh, this looks beautiful. I like stopping and seeing what’s on the wall. I will never get bored, it makes my day, it’s so homely.”
Riverside Place Care Home holds a monthly dementia café, where relatives of residents and members of the public can ask questions and share experiences in a safe and supportive environment.
Riverside Place Care Home provides residential, nursing and dementia care on a permanent or short stay basis. If you are looking for a care home and want to find out more about our home call freephone 0808 208 4570.